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Published: Tuesday, 05 December 2023 21:56
Our writers have enjoyed going out and about this past week and will again this weekend. They have been attending Christmas festivities throughout the Valley. And they notice you out there enjoying them as well.
We hope you are enjoying these activities the Valley cities are doing for the holidays.
What we would like to know though, is what your park is doing for the holidays. We know many of the parks have gift exchanges, Christmas parties, dinners, and other events for you during the holidays. We also know that some parks hold fundraisers, collect toys for charities, have food drives for local food banks, prepare clothing donations or quilts for local children.
These are also events that we would like to share.
Whether you have a story, or some photos, we would love to hear and see what you are doing. You can send an email to news@wintertexantimes.com.
This is our last issue of the golf series. So look for that ballot and cast your votes. You can also cast your vote online.
Remember this is our fun contest. It’s all about the amenities, favorite holes, food, and other special features the golf courses have.
I hope you have enjoyed learning about some of the Valley’s hidden gems if you’re a golfer. If you haven’t been to some of these great courses, take some time to visit them and tell them you saw them in the Winter Texan Times. The golf courses are very appreciative of you and always want to hear how you learned about them.
We make sure the golf courses know what our readers like about them. We deliver certificates to the winners, and they are always appreciative of your patronage. Let them know how much you appreciate them as well.