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The Rio Grande Valley Red Hatters are ready to get together for their events this year. Their first big event is planned for November 8.

The Red Hatters will be getting together on Monday, November 8, at 11:30 a.m. at Arturo’s in Weslaco (2303 W. Expwy. 83). Games will be played, and all are invited to share what has happened in their lives over the last 18 months. Those wanting to attend are asked to RSVP by text or call Sandy (Finny) at (608) 432-1440 by Friday, November 5.


The group will get together again on Monday, December 6 at 11 a.m. at Lin’s Super Buffet in Weslaco (1402 W. IH 2). This will be their Christmas get together and will include a $10 White Elephant gift exchange. RSVP by text or call at (309) 251-0875.

The Festival of Tables is set for Wednesday, February 23, 2022, with limited set up on Tuesday after 8 p.m. at Trophy Gardens (800 SH 495, Alamo). Confirm, or change your RSVP, with Jan Bergman at (956) 532-1223. At last count there were 25 tables. Thirty tables have been the goal for the event. More table settings are available, but more hostesses and themes are needed.
