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20230104 PVASPuppy webOne of the most challenging times of the year for animal shelters is mating season for puppies and kittens. Shelters all over the country typically see an influx of newborn and young abandoned puppies and kittens starting in early spring and lasting into fall. The intake of these populations usually halts as we head into the winter months, and that's precisely what PVAS was anticipating.

However, that isn't the case! This year, we are experiencing an unusually high puppy population in the middle of winter, with exactly 305 puppies currently in our care.
Overcrowding of puppies can be detrimental in a shelter setting. This vulnerable population is the most susceptible to transmissible diseases, such as canine distemper and parvovirus. We're pleading for community members to help alleviate space in our puppy rooms by adopting or fostering today.

If you cannot commit to adopting, please consider fostering a puppy. Fostering a pet for Palm Valley is entirely free and will help us keep these puppies healthy and safe.

Anyone interested in fostering can find more information and register online at https://www.pvastx.org/foster.
