Talk about being prepared! How about being over prepared? During the past ten days, two speeches have been written, rehearsed and ready to present. But there is nowhere open for the presentation. Two speeches, but nowhere to speak. It's like ‘All dressed up and nowhere to go.’ But writing is thought provoking so the time in preparing the speeches was valuable as a learning experience.
Recently every Rotarian in our District was given an opportunity to enter a Speech Contest. Contests are always fun, and this sounded like a real challenge. Annually, local Rotarians sponsor what is termed a Four Way Speech Contest in which high school students compete for first place. Now it is time for the adults to have their own Four Way Speech Contest. This speech is always based on the four questions that close every Rotary meeting. The speech must be related to how you have applied the test in your business. The second speech was prepared for a presentation at a Ladies Luncheon and was to expound on my two favorite tours.
Let's begin first with the Four Way Speech contest. Everyone – not just Rotarians – should ask themselves if they can apply the Four Way Test to all that they think, say or do. First – “Is it the truth?" Second – "Is it fair to all concerned?” Third – "Will it build good will and better friendships?" Fourth – "Will it be beneficial to all concerned?"
Sounds simple, doesn't it? Most of us reading this are still rooted in the belief that if it is the truth it will be fair. And if it is the truth and fair, it will automatically build good will and better friendships. Certainly, if all three of those apply, then what we think, say and do will be beneficial to all concerned.
What was learned from writing that speech should have been as plain as day all along. After twenty-seven years of almost weekly Rotary meetings that always closed with the Four Way Test, the realization finally dawned – "You can't have one without the other.” Each test leans on the previous one with the foundation of the last three resting on the first - "Is it the truth?" Certainly, these are principles that any relationship – personal or business – should find useful.
What a challenge the second speech was. How could anyone choose two favorite tours out of all the tours that Go...With Jo! offers? There are local tours, in state and out of state tours, as well as tours to Mexico and overseas. There are one day tours, overnight tours and extended tours. There are tours by bus, by plane and by cruise ship. Then there are nature tours, history tours, art tours, shopping tours, religious tours and on and on. And what are the two favorites among all of those? My favorites or the customers' favorites?
When Go...With Jo! began operation some thirty-six years ago the first local tour that was offered was to the King Ranch. To this day it remains popular. For some reason, even though we tell the customer that the machines at the casinos favor the house to win, all too many people are anxious to go gambling.
Over the years, the most popular tour in Texas is to San Antonio. Extended tour popularity in the US would include New Orleans Extravaganza and The Big Bend.
The most popular tours into Mexico are also my favorites and they include Real de Catorce, Copper Canyon, the Monarch Butterfly and San Miguel de Allende.
Now my most favorite tour of all the tours is the Faith Based tour to the Holy Land. Everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy this life changing experience. The life of Christ becomes very real when you retrace his life and walk in his footsteps.
Our challenge in this office is to apply the Four Way Test as we prepare our tours for your enjoyment. Our pledge to you is to be truthful as we present the itinerary, to be fair and considerate in our write ups and in pricing, to build good will and better friendships through cultural exposure and knowledge and to offer good quality.
Ultimately, we want the tour to be a fun, learning experience and to be beneficial to all concerned. We will continue to apply the Four Way Test as we prepare our tours for your enjoyment in the coming year.