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WEB On The Road HeaderIt is a NEW YEAR! And let us hope that 2021 will bring an end to the pandemic and the problems we all encountered in 2020. Hopefully by mid-year, we all will have been vaccinated and we will be on the road to our... ‘new normal’ or whatever is in store for us in our future.


This past year was a very strange one indeed. Many have been very careful in following the advice of our medical experts - wear the mask, practice the social distancing, stay away from crowds and don't travel except when absolutely necessary for groceries and medical appointments. No family gatherings - not even for Christmas. That mandate was probably the most difficult of all.

The stress, the fear and the anxiety did cause some problems. Statistics are showing that there have been more family disturbances, more abuse of women, more drinking, and more drug abuse than years prior.

And yet for some families, there was more sharing and more caring than ever before. Many couples spent more time with each other with the husbands even helping out in the kitchen. More than one woman has said that her husband has become more helpful. Mothers and older siblings have tried to find time to help the younger ones with online studies.

Even though the country seemed more divided than ever, families often grew closer together. Churches and schools reached out to help. Neighbors and friends looked out for their friends and neighbors. These were the positives that the pandemic brought forth.

Can we remember these positives? Can we keep them and nurture them so that they become a part of our lives? Yes, it is true - into each life some rain must fall. But after the rain comes the sunshine, the flowers, the sweet smell of the damp earth and of life renewed.
