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Llano Grande Opportunity Quilt Mint Julep Garden webLlano Grande Quilt Bees are hosting its 15th Annual Quilt Show on Tuesday, January 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Llano Grande Resort Event Center at 2215 East West Blvd., in Mercedes. Join the Llano Grande Quilt Bees for their Mint Julep Garden Quilt Show.

On display will be a variety of colorful quilts. In addition to viewing fabulous quilts attendees will also enjoy a variety of special exhibits, skill demonstrations, door prizes, bed turning and more.

Enter for a chance to win in the sewing machine giveaway, no purchase necessary. There will also be raffle tickets available for an opportunity quilt and totes. The totes will be overflowing with items from various categories – quilting, spa, cooking, pickleball, etc. Winners will be announced at 2:30 p.m. and need not be present to win.

Come see the vendors, boutique, community service quilts, and opportunity quilt. The boutique will feature handmade items and a variety of other quilt related items for sale. There will be hourly demonstrations and a morning of vintage quilts being shown during the bed turning.

Admission is $5, which gives you a chance to win a brand-new sewing machine and other door prizes. For more information visit llanograndequiltbee.com. The Llano Grande Quilting Bees are a group of over 120 quilters that travel to South Texas for the winter. They support local charity organizations and veterans through their quilting projects.

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