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February 14, 2024 - Parks Calendar

EDITOR’S NOTE: Items for the Parks Calendar must be open to the public activities in the parks only and must be submitted by park owners, managers or activity directors. Listings must come from the park and are to be submitted on the Winter Texan Times Parks Calendar Submission Form. Request this form from the Winter Texan Times office. Multiple activities may be submitted on the park’s letterhead, provided the same information is provided in the format of the Submission Form. We do not accept listings for reviews, workshops, lessons or dance classes. Submission deadline is Wednesday noon, one week prior to the publication date. Send to: Winter Texan Times, 1217 N. Conway Ave., Mission, Texas 78572 or email to parkscal@wintertexantimes.com or fax to 956-580-7898.

Wednesday, February 14

Wednesday Breakfast - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 7:30am.

All You Can Eat Breakfast - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 7:30-9am, $8pp. 7300 Monroe.

Craft Show - Fiesta Village, Mission, 8am-Noon, Lunch 10:30 to Noon.

Craft Sale - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 8am-Noon, Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. Main Hall.

Craft Sale - Split Rail RV Park, Mission, 8am-Noon, All crafters are welcome to come and sell their crafts and/or products. $5pp per table rental. Contact Lynn Johnson with any questions or to reserve your tables, 715-417-0320. 513 N. Los Ebanos Rd.

Craft Fair Vendors Wanted - Paradise Park RV Resort, Harlingen, 8am-Noon, Craft Fair 2/29/24. Tables $10, electric $15. Looking for vendors.

Plus Square Dance - Tropic Star RV Resort, Pharr, 10am-Noon, With call Joe Saltel, $5pp.

Burger Fry and Jam - Chimney Park, Mission, 11:30am, 1/2 lb. burgers are $7pp, homestyle baked beans, starting at 11:30 a.m. Music Jam starts at 1 p.m. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Musical Jam - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 12:30-2:30pm, Rec Hall, lunch available $. Musicians and listeners welcomed. Gate’s open. 1900 Grace Ave.

Country/Variety Jam - Quiet Village II, Donna, 12:30-2:30pm, 215 S. Valley View Rd.

Country Music Jam - Heritage Square, Mission, 1-3:30pm, Food served from 11:00 - 12:30 before the Jam. Participants and spectators are welcome. 300 S. Bryan Rd.
Jam Music Session - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 1-3pm, Come to play/sing or just listen. BYOB and snacks. All welcome.

Jam - Valley View Estates, Mission, 1-3pm, 2100 Vernon.

Open Acoustic Jam - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 1:30-3:30pm, Whether you love to play music, dance, or just listen, you're invited to our Open Acoustic Jam every Wednesday afternoon. Everyone is welcome!

Happy Hour - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 3-5pm, Fresh Breath, pass the hat.

Karaoke - Bluebonnet RV Park, Mission, 3-6pm, Open to the public. No charge, dinner served for fee.

Social Hour - Siesta Retirement Village Park, Weslaco, 3-5pm, Regan James, pass the hat. Come join us and dance to your favorite songs. Kitchen open, free ice. Office: 956-969-3740. 2712 S. International Blvd.

Happy Hour - Sleepy Valley Ranch Resort, Mission, 4-6pm, Live music rotating each week. Snacks for sale as well as our homemade pizza.

Rock & Roll Jam - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 4-6pm, With The Esquiers. Mission Bell Ballroom.

Biscuit/Sausage Gravy & Pancake Supper - Big Valley Trailer Park, Donna, 4:30-6pm, Serving all you care to eat: biscuits and sausage gravy, pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, applesauce, and coffee. Bring your own table service. $7pp. 109 W. Bus. Hwy. 83

Dinner Show - Casa del Sol, Donna, 5:30pm, Dinner: 5:30 p.m. Show: 7-8:45 p.m. The Night Ryders, $18pp. Pre-sale tickets for dinner/show combo only. Deadline for advance tickets 2/7. Show only tickets $8pp at the door. 400 N Va Verde Rd.

Valentine’s Day Dinner Show - Chimney Park, Mission, 6pm, Mark Merchant, $20pp advance. Chicken florentine, Spring mix salad with strawberry vinaigrette, blended rice, green beans, breadsticks, desert, and drinks. Mark Merchant’s show is one you will never forget! He has appeared around the world and on national TV including Jay Leno. His acclaimed comedy ventriloquist brings you an evening of the very best moments in comedy. Rated H for Hilarious! For more info, 402-630-0492.

King and Queen Coronation - Split Rail RV Park, Mission, 6-6:30pm.

Valentine Dance - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 6:30pm, Square dance with The Baldwins on rounds. Tampico Hall. Hearing enhancement system available. Subject to change without notice. Bring snacks to share.

Valentine Dance - Tropic Winds MH & RV Resort, Harlingen, 7-9pm, Jason Whorlow, $12pp advance/$14pp door.

Valentine Dance - Mission West RV Park, Palmview, 7-10pm, Jamie G & Adel’s, $10pp.

Dance - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 7-10pm, Steven May and the Southern Knights, $8pp. BYOB. Main Hall. 101 E. Sioux Rd.

Entertainment - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7-9:30pm, Encore Show - Project Presley: Beyond '77 - what if Elvis had lived on. Friendship Hall, reserved seating. Tickets are $17pp, $18pp, & $21pp. Park gate open 7:00 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m. Concessions $. Ticket Sale 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. Activity Office, 956-425-7448. 1900 Grace Ave.

Valentine’s Dance - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 7-10pm, It's Valentine's Day! Grab your sweetheart, your friends, whoever fills your heart with joy, and bring them over to the huge dance floor at Park Place Estates. Diego & Edith will be serenading us with love songs & plenty of non-love songs, too! Setups will be available. BYOB. $10pp.

Entertainment - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 7pm, Mayhem - Paul May comedian, $9pp.

Valentine’s Dance - Restful Valley Ranch, Mission, 7-10pm, Buck Hollow, $9pp.

Valentine’s Dance - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 7-10pm, The Cruisers, $12pp.

Valentine’s Dance - Split Rail RV Park, Mission, 7-10pm, Justin Terry $9pp. Multi-talented artist hailing from Knoxville, TN with a passion for music and acting, captivating audiences with his dynamic performance and infectious energy. BYOB, concession open, 50/50 raffle. 513 N. Los Ebanos Rd.

Entertainment - Countryside RV Park, Donna, 7-9pm, Shake, Rattle and Roll, $8pp at the door. Come see the famous Shake, Rattle and Roll ladies. Concessions available. 100 N. Valley View Rd.

Valentine’s Dance - Valley View Estates, Mission, 7-10pm, Jealous Heart Band, $10pp. BYOB. 50/50, door prize. Public welcome. 2100 Vernon.

Dance - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 7-10pm, Night Howlers, $10pp.

Dance/Show - Quiet Village II, Donna, 7-10pm, Route 66, $8pp.

Valentine’s Dance - Lakewood RV Resort, Harlingen, 7-10pm, Rusty Rierson, $10pp advance/$12pp at the door.

Thursday, February 15

Craft Sale - Rio Valley Estates MH & RV Resort, Weslaco, 8am-1pm, Only craft show in the valley with exclusive, handmade items. Lunch & pies available for purchase. Contact Julie at 712-490-4260.

Craft Sale - Aladdin Villas, Mission, 8am-Noon, Please contact Celinda Garcia, 956-360-7692, for more information or table. food available.

Craft and Garage Sale - Seven Oaks RV Park, Mission, 8am-Noon, Great vendors, food, and garage sale.

All You Can Eat Pancakes - The Grove Subdivision, San Juan, 9-11am, Pancakes, eggs, sausages, waffles and a hot cup of coffee. Bring your own table service. Hwy. 83 & Stewart Rd., 605 E. 7th St.

Bluegrass Jam - Lamplighter Park, Palmview, 9am, Come enjoy some great music. 2240 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Country Jam - El Valle Del Sol, Mission, 10am.

Advanced Square Dance Workshop - Tropic Star RV Resort, Pharr, 10am-Noon, With caller Joe Saltel, $5pp.

Thursday Lunches - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 11am.

Red Hat Hoot - Split Rail RV Park, Mission, 11am.

Country & Gospel Jam - Pharr South Park, Pharr, 11:30am-3pm, Free admission. Jam starts at 12:30 p.m. Lunch available from 11:30 am to 12:30 p.m. Sandwiches, snacks, and beverages available for purchase.

Jam Lunch - Siesta Retirement Village Park, Weslaco, 11:30am-1pm, $10pp. Open from 11:30 a.m. until food runs out. Come early and bring your friends! Office: 956-969-3740. 2712 S. International Blvd.

Country Jam - Siesta Retirement Village Park, Weslaco, 1-3pm, Open to all musicians. Office: 956-969-3740. 2712 S. International Blvd.

Country Jam - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 1-3pm, Hosted by Rusty Rierson in the Ballroom.

Happy Hour - Fig Tree RV Resort, Harlingen, 3-4:30pm, Diego & Edith, pass the hat. BYOB, free ice.

Soup Supper - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 4:30pm, $4pp, all you can eat, free seconds. Bring a dish with a cover. 6 flavors homemade soup. Bring your own bowls, table service, BYOB, snacks. Dessert for sale.

Jam Session - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 6-9pm, Free.

Jam - Dream Valley Ranch, Mission, 6-8pm, Public welcome. 2401 N. Abram Rd.

Acoustic Music Jam - Palm Gardens, Harlingen, 6-8pm.

Root Beer & Orange Cream Floats - Split Rail RV Park, Mission, 6pm, $2pp. Park Hall. 513 N. Los Ebanos Rd.

Big Band/Country Jam - La Hacienda Estates, Alamo, 6:30-8:30pm, Open to the public. Contact: Myra Almen, 254-449-4568.

Bible Study - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 7pm, Activity Hall.

Entertainment - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 7-9pm, Rusty Rierson, $9pp.

Dance - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 7-10pm, Retro Rockers, $10pp. Main Hall.

Dance - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 7-10pm, Texas Wheels, $8pp. MB Ballroom. Concessions & BYOB.

Dance - Bluebonnet RV Park, Mission, 7:30pm, Bruce Boudreau, $9pp.

Friday, February 16

Craft Sale - Mission West RV Park, Palmview, 8am-Noon, Breakfast: biscuits & sausage gravy, $4pp. Lunch: hot dog, $3pp, or Sloppy Jo’s, $4pp.

Craft Sale - Alamo Rose RV and MH Resort, 8am-Noon, Lunch available for purchase.

Plus Square Dance - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 10am-Noon, With caller Joe Saltel, $5pp.

SEMBA Reunion Acoustic Jam - Roadrunner RV Resort, Alamo, 11am-3pm, 1222 N. Cesar Chavez Rd.

Jam Session - Tropic Winds MH & RV Resort, Harlingen, 12:30-2:30pm.

Rock and Roll Jam - Greengate Grove, Palmview, 12:30-2:30pm, Host George Bowers. Lunch starts at 11 a.m. 2135 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Country Jam - Casa del Sol, Donna, 12:30pm, Lunch served from 11-12:30 for nominal fee. Desserts available at break. Come enjoy this popular jam or sign up to sing. All musicians welcome. 400 N Val Verde Rd.

Rock and Roll Jam - Paradise Resort Estates, Pharr, 12:30-2:30pm, Snack Bar opens at 11:30 a.m. Lunch served 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Variety Jam - Bentsen Palm RV Park, Mission, 1-3pm, Everyone is invited. Bring your instrument and participate or just come to enjoy the music and fellowship.

Music Jam - Split Rail RV Park, Mission, 1-3pm, Public is welcome to come and join in! Bring your instruments and your singing voices. Coffee, raspberry tea, and cookies will be available for donation. 513 N. Los Ebanos Rd.

RC Cars - Kenwood RV Park, La Feria, 1:30pm.

Fish Dinner - Mission West RV Park, Palmview, 4:30-5:30pm, Fish with slaw, french fries, and tea or coffee.

Karaoke - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 5-6:50pm, Tampico Hall.

Country Jam - Hidden Valley Ranch RV & MH Park, Mission, 5:30pm.

Valentine’s Day Dinner & Dance - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 5:30-10pm, Friendship Hall. Gate open. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for social hour, dinner 7 p.m.

Dance to the music of Rewind with Brent Manning. Advance ticket sales and table reservations required. Contact Activities Office at 956-425-7448.

Karaoke - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 6-9pm, Audience participation. Donation. Al Barnes Building. 101 E. Sioux Rd.

Country Jam - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 6-8pm, Tradewinds Hall. Snacks available ($).

Entertainment - 1015 RV Park, Weslaco, 6:30-8:30pm, Mary Chamberlin and Southern Express, $8pp. Performing tributes to female singers.

Big Band & Country Jam - Palm Shadows RV/MH Park, Donna, 7-9pm, Musicians by invitation only! Contact Roger Steiger, 507-273-3895. 200 N. Va Verde Rd.
Dance - Fiesta Village, Mission, 7-10pm, Sweetwater, $8pp.

Dance - Victoria Palms Resort, Donna, 7-10pm, Time Machine Band, $10pp.

Dance & Show - Bentsen Grove Resort, Palmview, 7-10pm, Justin Terry $10pp.

Dance - Texas Trails RV Resort, Pharr, 7pm, Diego & Edith, $8pp.

Dance - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 7-9:30pm, We're so excited for the musical stylings of Leslie Blasing! She's bringing her eclectic variety of songs out from the island with her and it is guaranteed to be a great time! Setups will be available. BYOB. $8pp.

Dance - Bentsen Palm RV Park, Mission, 7-10pm, South Texas Ramblers will keep you dancing tonight! Gate open 6:30 - 7:30. Call 763-360-8770 if other entrance time needed.

Valentine’s Dance - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 7-10pm, Gatos Locos - rock, $12pp.

Entertainment - Eastgate RV & MH Park, Harlingen, 7pm, Rick McEwen, $10pp. Singing Kenny Rogers Tribute “The Gambler”. 2801 Harrison.

Dance - Casa del Sol, Donna, 7-10pm, Curt James, $8pp. Dance to a variety of music. BYOB. Concessions available. Open to the public. 400 N Val Verde Rd.

Entertainment - Rio Valley Estates MH & RV Resort, Weslaco, 7pm, Kai, $8pp. 50/50 and ice cream at intermission.

Entertainment - Winter Green Estates, Mission, 7pm, Rusty Rierson, $8pp.

Entertainment - Enchanted Valley Ranch, Mission, 7-9pm, Warman Trio, $10pp.

Dance/Show - Quiet Village II, Donna, 7-10pm, Keneston’s Band, $8pp.

Dance - Dream Valley Ranch, Mission, 7-9pm, Shake, Rattle & Roll.

Dance - Lazy Palm Ranch, Edinburg, 7-10pm, Night Howlers, $9pp. BYOB.

Saturday, February 17

Breakfast - Chimney Park, Mission, 7-9am, Full breakfast, $7pp. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Saturday Morning Pancake Breakfast - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 7:30-10am, During Craft Fair. Park gate is open.

Breakfast - Alamo Rec-Veh Park, 7:30-9am, Pool Hall & Shuffle Board Breakfast, $7pp.

Craft Fair - Sunshine RV Resort, Harlingen, 8am-Noon, Friendship Hall, park gate open. Pancake breakfast available 7:30-10 in Rec Hall $. Info and new vendor inquiry, contact Activities Office at 956-425-7448.

Craft Sale - Hidden Valley Ranch RV & MH Park, Mission, 8am-Noon, 7600 Long Dr.

Saturday Morning Breakfast - El Valle Del Sol, Mission, 8-9:30am, Pancakes, egg bake, and biscuits with sausage gravy, coffee, $6pp.

Rummage Sale - Winter Springs, Mission, 8am-Noon, 1901 N. Glasscock Rd.

Annual Flea Market & Bake Sale - W&I Resort, Mission, 8am-1pm, Everyone welcome. In Clubhouse. 206 S. Stewart Rd.

Breakfast - Alamo Paradise Acres, 8-9:30am, Serving pancakes, eggs, French toast, omelets, biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage, toast, OJ and coffee. 1513 West Crockett.

Craft Show - Tip O’ Texas RV Resort, Pharr, 9am-Noon, Vendors from all over.

Beginner Lessons - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 9-11am, With Nancy & Dewayne Baldwin, Tampico Hall. Hearing enhancement system available. Subject to change without notice.

Square Dance Review - Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 9-11am, With Ron & Jan Betzelberger. Tampico Hall. Hearing enhancement available. Subject to change without notice.

Saturday Lunch - Greengate Grove, Palmview, 11am-12:30pm.

Jam - Big Valley Trailer Park, Donna, 12:30pm, All welcome to play or listen to an afternoon of good music. 109 W. Bus. Hwy. 83.

Country Jam - Greengate Grove, Palmview, 12:30-2:30pm, Host George Bowers. Lunch served 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 2135 S. Bentsen Palm Dr.

Rock and Roll Jam - Chimney Park, Mission, 1-3pm, If weather permits the Jam will be held in the Party Park along the river behind clubhouse, bring a lawn chair, there are picnic tables also. If weather doesn’t permit, the Jam is held indoors. Concessions available. For more info, contact James at 402-630-0492. 4224 S. Conway Ave.

Jam Sessions - Eastgate RV & MH Park, Harlingen, 1-3pm, South Hall. 2801 E. Harrison Ave.

Concert - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 2pm, Gold City Quartet. In Auditorium.

Entertainment - Bit-O-Heaven RV Park, Donna, 2pm, Shake, Rattle, N Roll - 50s music, $10pp.

Happy Hour - Lakewood RV Resort, Harlingen, 5-7pm, Kiley & Co. BYOB.

Karaoke & Dancing - The Grove Subdivision, San Juan, 6-9pm, Open to the public, BYOB. Hwy. 83 & Stewart Rd., 607 E. 7th St.

Bingo - Pharr South Park, Pharr, 6:30-9:30pm, Card sales from 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:00 p.m. $1 per card. This includes all games played. Additional cost for horses & 50/50. Snacks and refreshments available for purchase. No outside food or beverages. Dinner is served from 5-6 p.m. Menu varies weekly and you must sign up prior at Pharr South.

Entertainment - Tropic Winds MH & RV Resort, Harlingen, 7-9pm, William Florian (John Denver Show), $9pp advance/$11pp door.

Entertainment - Fiesta Village, Mission, 7-9pm, Rusty Rierson, $9pp.

Concert - Bibleville Conference Grounds, Alamo, 7pm, Gold City Quartet. In Auditorium.

Show - Mission West RV Park, Palmview, 7pm, Bruce Boudreau, $9pp.

Dance - Winter Green Estates, Mission, 7-10pm, Southern Vibe, $8pp advance/$10pp at the door. Contact Mary McLaughlin for tickets, 712-240-2801.

Dance - Casa del Valle Resort Park, Alamo, 7-10pm, Texas Wheels, $8pp.

Dance - Eastgate RV & MH Park, Harlingen, 7-10pm, DJ Roland, $5pp. Playing oldies, country, and rock and roll. 2801 Harrison.

Dance - El Valle Del Sol, Mission, 7-10pm, Vintage - country, $8pp. Peppermint Palace.

Entertainment - Lemon Tree Estates, Mission, 7pm, The Warman Trio, $8pp.

Dance - Aladdin Villas, Mission, 7-10pm, Jealous Heart Band, $9pp. Concessions.

Dance - Alamo Rec-Veh Park, 7pm, Night Ryders, $8pp.

Entertainment - Mission Bell Resort, Mission, 7-9pm, Shake, Rattle & Roll, $10pp. Concessions available. BYOB. Mission Bell Ballroom.

Entertainment - Split Rail RV Park, Mission, 7-8:30pm, Mark Merchant, $8pp.

Read more: February 14, 2024 - Parks Calendar
