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Holiday Village returns for 15th season

20231202 Brownsville Holiday Village ALB 0011 webThe cottages of Holiday Village Brownsville are back at Dean Porter Park and are being prepared for the 15th annual yuletide event. With several new and updated displays, this year there will be over 30 fully decorated cottages lining the sidewalks.

For those who may not know, the Holiday Village at Dean Porter Park in Brownsville is a collection of miniature cottages, each one measuring about 10’ wide x 8’ deep and over 11’ tall, which are adorned inside and out with the most whimsical and adorable holiday trimmings. The Village is set up in the park every November, free and open to the public, and runs from the Monday before Thanksgiving through the first of the year. You can get a sneak peek at the villages online at www.holidayvillagebrownsville.com/cottages.

Read more: Holiday Village returns for 15th season

City of Edinburg to host Miracle on McIntyre

20211204 Edinburg Parade HMoering 10 webThe City of Edinburg is welcoming the holiday season with the Miracle on McIntyre celebration, a two-day festive extravaganza that will bring the community together for a series of holiday events sure to spread joy and Christmas cheer.

The festivities kick off on Thursday, December 5, with the official Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Promenade Park Amphitheater at 6 p.m. This special event will light up the season and feature a holiday market running until 9 p.m. Attendees can enjoy the sounds of carolers, take pictures with Santa, and experience the magic of a snow slide. The Christmas market will offer an array of food vendors and unique holiday gifts to start your seasonal shopping in style.

Read more: City of Edinburg to host Miracle on McIntyre

Start celebrating the holidays

20231201 Missions Christmas Tree Lighting HMoering DSC 0959 webThe Holidays are here, and everyone in the Valley is ready to celebrate. Cities are having Christmas Tree Lightings, parades, Christmas markets and more to get you ready for the joyful spirit of Christmas.

Mercedes will be having their Christmas tree lighting ceremony on Thursday, November 21 from 6 to 9 p.m. The evening will feature food, music, games and shopping. It will be held at 520 E. 2nd St., at the Mercedes Civic Center.

The City of Weslaco and Weslaco Chamber of Commerce invite you to celebrate the holidays with them. Weslaco’s Holiday Kickoff: Tree lighting and holiday market starts at 6 p.m. on Friday, November 22. It will be held at the Weslaco City Hall, 255 S. Kansas Ave.

Read more: Start celebrating the holidays

Reserve your booth for Mission Health Fair

The Greater Mission Chamber of Commerce is inviting local businesses to the Annual Mission Health and Wellness Fair that will be held on Thursday, December 5, and Friday, December 6. The event will be held at the Mission Event Center from 7 to 11:30 a.m. In partnership with Mission Regional Medical Center, they’re providing free services that include blood exams, bone density tests, blood circulation checks, stroke risk assessments, and more to the community.

There are still booth opportunities available for the event.

There are several reasons why you should join them for this year’s health and wellness fair. There will be an opportunity to connect with the Mission community and show your support, as well as a networking opportunity to meet potential customers, partners, and fellow Chamber members. Local businesses can contribute to the community’s health and well-being with free medical services. Of course, marketing gives you a chance to showcase your business to a captive audience.

For booth information or other inquiries, contact the chamber at candance@missionchamber.com. For additional information, call (956) 585-2727.

Operation Christmas Child drop-off locations are open

20241120 Operation Christmas Kid with Purse 1636CB F 1031 webChildren in need are being blessed this Christmas season through the Samaritan’s Purse project, Operation Christmas Child. Individuals, families and groups have the opportunity to pack a shoebox gift filled with fun toys, school supplies, and personal care items and drop them off now during National Collection Week, which runs through November 25. There are more than 4,700 drop-off locations open around the country.

Operation Christmas Child has been collecting and delivering shoebox gifts to children worldwide for more than three decades. In 2024, Operation Christmas Child hopes to collect enough shoeboxes to reach another 12 million children. The project of Samaritan’s Purse partners with local churches across the globe to deliver these tangible expressions of God’s love to children in need. Find a step-by-step guide on the How to Pack a Shoebox webpage.

Read more: Operation Christmas Child drop-off locations are open

Encore Fun N Sun hosted World Shuffleboard Championship last month

20241120 FunNSun 5 USE webLast month, Encore Fun N Sun was all abuzz as they hosted the 41st World Shuffleboard Championship. There were participants from the United States, Canada, Germany, Brazil, and the Netherlands. The park was thrilled to welcome participants and spectators to the resort for the exciting week of shuffleboard, as well as to host so many international guests from around the world.

Daily games were held all week long the last week of October with an awards banquet at the end to celebrate the winners and participants.

20241120 FunNSun 1 USE webTop three in Singles Men were Mark Malatt, USA; Evan Engell, Canada; and Marco Auchtung, Brazil. Top three in Singles Women was Deb Baal, Megan Grabski, and Sarah Horan, all USA.

If you’re interested in joining the Rio Grande Valley shuffleboard teams, visit rgvsa.weebly.com for their schedule of events and information.

November Native Plant Project meeting next week

Native Plant Project's guest speaker for the November 26 meeting in Weslaco will be Matt Kauffman who is a lifelong lover of nature and a native plant enthusiast. For the past few years, Kauffman has been specializing in the propagation of some of the less common and lesser available native plants of the Lower Rio Grande Valley.

His presentation will be on native plant container gardening for smaller spaces and/or budgets. Topics covered will be select species that are suitable for containers, soil recommendations, container choices, container arrangement, and some other general maintenance guidelines.

The program will be Tuesday November 26 at 7 p.m., at the Valley Nature Center, 301 S. Border St. in Weslaco, behind Gibson Park. The public is invited. There is no charge to attend.

For more info about the Native Plant Project, visit http://www.nativeplantproject.org or visit on Facebook.

Kick-Off to the holiday season in Kingsville

20241120 Ranch Hand roping PRINTThe 33rd Annual Ranch Hand Breakfast will be held on November 23. The event features an authentic, hearty cowboy breakfast cooked and served outdoors on the historic King Ranch. Team roping and old-time cow camp cooking demonstrations are a part of the activities, along with live music and storytelling.

Tickets are available online at King-Ranch.com, at the King Ranch Saddle Shop, the King Ranch Museum, the King Ranch Visitor Center, the Kingsville Visitors Center and at the door. Tickets are $10 each.

Ranch Hand Breakfast is always held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

Read more: Kick-Off to the holiday season in Kingsville

Annual Texas Master Naturalist training opens registration

20191007 Texas Master Naturalists PHOTO by Anita Westervelt webTexas Master Naturalist program training registration for the 2025 new class session is open through January 3, 2025. Weekly classes are scheduled January 15 through mid-April 2025. Registration is open to Winter Texans and residents of Cameron, Hidalgo and Willacy counties over the age of 18 to become a member of the Rio Grande Valley Chapter that meets in Laguna Vista.

Texas Master Naturalist is a unique educational volunteer program sponsored by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Texas Sea Grant Program.

Read more: Annual Texas Master Naturalist training opens registration

Senior Ambassadors: Voices needed, rehearsals underway

20241113 Senior Ambassadors image webThe Senior Ambassadors are looking for singers this season. An open invitation is being issued for local and Winter Texan male singers to come and sing with the Senior Ambassadors. Don’t be shy. All skill levels are welcome. If you enjoy singing, you are welcome to attend any of the practice sessions to find out how you can join.

For over 35 years, Winter Texans and Valley men have joined voices – tenors, baritones and basses – ‘to create melodious, rich sounds, taking their audience on a trip through time,’ wrote Roda Grubb in a Winter Texan Times story published in 2013. ‘Singing show tunes and barbershop, patriotic and sacred tunes, their concerts have quite a variety of styles of music,’ she continued.

Read more: Senior Ambassadors: Voices needed, rehearsals underway

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