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Published: Thursday, 09 January 2025 17:03
McAllen Community Concert Association is featuring six concerts this season. Their next concert features Katie Pinder Brown with A Tribute to Carole King.
A Tribute to Carole King, Natural Woman, will be held on January 13. Katie Pinder Brown is an award-winning singer and piano entertainer whose dynamic voice, charismatic presence, and impressive repertoire have dazzled and delighted international audiences. Natural Woman is the premier tribute to the legendary singer/songwriter Carole King. Katie Brown plays and sings the iconic songs that defined a generation.
Read more: MCC features Carole King Tribute
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Published: Thursday, 09 January 2025 17:01
Come celebrate Kansas Day in the RGV at a new location this year. Kansas Day will be celebrated Wednesday, January 29 at Peter Piper Pizza, 3101 E. Expressway 83, in Weslaco. Check-in will be from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Many of you have already enjoyed the buffet luncheon which includes a variety of pizzas, salad bar, breadsticks, dessert and beverage. You will make your personal choices at the check-in counter. There will not be an entry fee this year – your cost will be based on your individual order.
While they are not requiring a reservation, a simple “yes” to Larry Schmitt at (913) 369-5669 (larrys13@icloud.com) would be appreciated.
Submitted by Larry Schmitt
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Published: Thursday, 09 January 2025 16:59
The Museum of South Texas History will host the first Sunday Speaker Series, “A Brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Rio Grande Valley,” of the year at 2 p.m. on Sunday, January 12.
This presentation will be led by Jenny Chamberlain, the interfaith coordinator at the McAllen, Texas Temple, part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Chamberlain moved to the Valley in 2006 to teach 7th grade English at Sauceda Middle School in Donna. Soon thereafter, she began teaching sociology at South Texas College, where she designed the applied and clinical sociology associate’s degree track and became the program coordinator. Currently, Chamberlain serves as the vice president-elect for Applied and Clinical Sociology, an organization dedicated to using sociological skills and knowledge to develop practical solutions to problems in the world around us.
Read more: MOSTH presents first Sunday Speaker Series of the year
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Published: Thursday, 09 January 2025 16:02
All veterans and community members are encouraged to give the gift of life at a “Roll up Your Sleeve” blood drive. The Harlingen VA Outpatient Clinic will be hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, January 14, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The clinic is located at 2106 Treasure Hills Blvd.
ID is required. You can schedule an appointment at donors.vitalant.org/dwp/portal/dwa. Walk-in donations are also accepted.
Blood is perishable and must be constantly replenished. According to the American Red Cross, one in seven patients entering a hospital needs a blood transfusion.
In partnership with Vitalant Blood Center, VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System is hosting a series of blood drives. This is part of a nationwide effort by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to address the on-going need for blood.
“We are a proud member of the Rio Grande Valley community and are doing our part to meet the constant need for blood and blood products.” said Public Affairs Officer Hugo Martinez. “We ask Veterans, family members, and all members of the community make the time to donate blood.”
For more information or to register, visit https://donors.vitalant.org/dwp/portal/dwa. For future events, check https://www.va.gov/texas-valley-health-care/events.
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Published: Wednesday, 01 January 2025 15:08
A small, but happy, group of quilters at Aladdin Villas, Mission, have found their place by providing warm quilts to children. Over the years they have donated to a colonia in Penitas and to Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). CASA has a Christmas event every year, and this year, 82 children were able to go home with a quilt of their own.
The quilts were made by a small group at the park that gets together twice a week all year round. The materials used are mostly donated from people within their community. Some residents donate their unused fabric when they go back up north.
Read more: Quilting group sews warmth for children at CASA
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Published: Wednesday, 01 January 2025 15:06
The Mission Historical Museum is now accepting quilt entries for its Turning of the Quilts program, set to take place on February 7. The museum is looking for antique, vintage, or unique quilts to be featured in a special presentation, where each quilt will be revealed and celebrated individually. A knowledgeable presenter will provide historical context and details about each quilt's story.
Quilts can be dropped off at the Mission Historical Museum at 900 Doherty Ave., Mission, from now to January 31, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed January 1).
Read more: MHM calls for antique quilts for Turning of the Quilts
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Published: Wednesday, 01 January 2025 15:03
Santa Maria Bullring is holding a grand opening bull fight this weekend, Sunday, January 5. After a brief hiatus, and the passing of the previous owner Fred Renk, the bullring is back at it with a new owner and lots of updates.
As the new owner says, the calls kept coming from people wanting to know when they were going to open. When shows were going to start again. They decided to make their customers happy and begin with a grand show.
The grand opening will feature Cayetano Delgado from Monterrey, Mexico. Delgado is not new to Santa Maria Bullring. He grew up in the bullfight world, as his father was a matador, and matador David Renk, ‘El Texano,’ was his godfather.
Read more: Santa Maria Bullring holds grand opening
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Published: Wednesday, 01 January 2025 15:01
I hope you had a blessed Christmas with friends or family. Now comes the time when we need to plan what to do with the remaining turkey and all the left-over trimmings.
The most wonderful time is to dress up in the nice gifts that you received. This is a special time to be thankful for all the blessings that have been bestowed on us. We should all be very thankful to live in a country with so many freedoms. Soon it will be a new year and a time for us to make new resolutions and promises to live a better life. Certainly, we live in a country of plenty although there are times when we feel the situation could be better.
Not too long ago a gentleman came into my office with a desire to relocate as he was not happy with the direction that our country is going. Yes, there are some things that need improvement but when we look at other countries, we need to remember that there is probably no country that is perfect.
On my wrist I wear a little bracelet that is engraved with NO BAD DAYS. Each time that I glance at that bracelet, I remember my days as a social worker. We were required to make home visits to many clients who had health problems and even some juveniles who were pre-delinquents. My first question to a young delinquent who had a bad habit of sniffing glue was, “How are you doing today?” His answer to me was actually pretty obvious…“I ain’t dead yet am I.”
Let us all remember that each day is a blessing and to be lived with much appreciation. I am sure that young man had no idea that the Bible deals somewhat with the same subject. In Proverbs we can read that if we wake up in a bad mood that our bones will dry up but that if we wake up happy and ready for the day then our whole day will go well.
May all your days be happy and blessed.
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Published: Wednesday, 01 January 2025 14:36
Join Llano Grande for their 15th Annual Quilt Show. The show will be held Tuesday, January 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Llano Grande Event Center, 2215 East West Blvd. (off Mile 2 West) in Mercedes. Wander through the variety of quilts, wall hangings, and table runners on display.
The theme of this year’s Opportunity Quilt is Mint Julep Garden. Imagine everything related to a Mint Julep wrapped up in a beautiful, one-of-a-kind quilt, that measures 77 x 77. The soft colors of creams, mint green, peaches, and blues will entice you to visit our garden. Tickets for the quilt can be purchased from any Bee member or at the Show. The drawing will be held at the end of the show, and you do not need to be present to win.
Read more: Llano Grande holds annual quilt show
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Published: Wednesday, 01 January 2025 14:34
The International Museum of Arts and Science (IMAS) has two exhibits you might want to catch before they are gone. The Fourth Annual Members’ Juried Art Show will be on display until January 5. Rompiendo el Cielo will be on exhibit through January 19.
The Members Juried Art Show is an opportunity for the community to professionally display their art at IMAS. IMAS members were able to enter up to two pieces of art, where at least one piece would be on display. Art pieces were judged and given awards during the opening ceremony in October. Awards were given for best of show, second place, third place, and three honorable mentions.
Read more: IMAS exhibits ending soon