The Edinburg World Birding Center is delighted to have local raptor expert, Bill Clark, present virtually a Basic Raptor ID course. Build up your hawk watching skills in this program as you learn helpful tips to identify raptors. He will provide an ID overview of vultures, osprey, harrier, and falcons. He will then go into detail about buteos, accipiters, and others.
Bill Clark is a photographer, author, researcher, and lecturer and has over 50 years of experience working with birds of prey, including five years as Director of NWF's Raptor Information Center.
This is a six-hour course consisting of three two-hour sessions. The first session will begin on Friday, December 11 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The last two sessions are on Saturday, December 12 at 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Registration deadline is two days prior to the program. This program will be delivered via zoom. Register at the EWBC website: or call them at (956) 381-9922. Payment can be taken by phone or in-person.