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Parks Calendar Submission


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Items for this column are open to the public activities in the parks only, and should be submitted on letterhead, or by using our submission form, by owners, managers, or activity directors. Listings must come from the park. No listings submitted by callers, bands, entertainers, etc. will be accepted.  

We do not accept listings for reviews, workshops, lessons, etc. Be sure to include the dates the events are to occur, especially the starting date. Please let us know if items regularly scheduled each week will be discontinued before the end of March. Please submit items at least one week prior to publication date. Deadline is Thursday, 5 PM, for the following Wednesday publication. Send to: Winter Texan Times, 1217 N Conway, Mission, TX 78572. Parks may also email items to parkscal@wintertexantimes.com.

Please call Anastasia if you have any questions, need the guidelines or a submission form. She will be happy to help you with anything that she can. You can get in touch with Anastasia by calling (956) 580-7800 or by emailing parkscal@wintertexantimes.com.

Parks Calendar Submission Form
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Reunions are a great time to catch up with friends old and new. Here we will feature reunions and meetings that are happening throughout the Valley. We hope that if you are having such a meeting, you will send the information to us so we can help you spread the word.

If you have a great photo from your reunion or meeting, we would love to see that too. We love seeing photos of Red Hatter groups and others as they gather at local restaurants to catch up and share what's new.

You can send your information to news@wintertexantimes.com.

Model Rail Roading & Railroaders

Model Rail Roading & Railroaders have started getting together. Anyone interested in joining the group can join them Monday through Friday at the Hidalgo Pumphouse. Call Red at (313) 532-8549 for more information.

RGV Woodcarvers

The Rio Grande Valley Woodcarvers have begun their seasonal meetings. The woodcarvers are meeting at the Nomad Shrine Club, 1044 W. Nolana Blvd., in Pharr. The Carvers meet weekly on Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. through March. Everyone is welcome to come and visit and join the club. After a third visit, you will be asked to become a member with annual dues. More information can be found online at www.rgvwoodcarvers.org. Get ready to build/carve for the Woodcarvers Show in January.
