January 1, 2025 - Reunions and Meetings
Reunions are a great time to catch up with friends, old and new. Here we will feature reunions and meetings that are happening throughout the Valley. We hope that if you are having such a meeting, you will send the information to us so we can help you spread the word.
If you have a great photo from your reunion or meeting, we would love to see that too.
You can send your information to news@wintertexantimes.com.
Ed Marten’s Senior Texas Softball League
The Ed Marten’s Senior Texan Softball Leagues are open to all individual men and women aged 55 years and older. Practices and games are played at the City of McAllen West Side Park, on S. Ware Road, across from the Convention Center, at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Practices run now through the end of December. Teams will be selected for the season in January with playoffs in March. Call Fred Esqueda (956) 897-6961 or Mike Brower (734) 834-0128 for more information.
Senior Ambassadors
The Senior Ambassadors meet every Friday afternoon at Bentsen Grove Resort in Mission each Friday from 1 to 3 p.m. There are no tryouts. If someone has sung in another choir and enjoys singing, they can join the Ambassadors. If you enjoy singing and would like to be a part of the Senior Ambassadors Men’s Chorus, either attend a practice session or call the Director, Virgel Kroeker at (612) 859-7787.
RGV Woodcarvers
The RGV Woodcarvers welcomes any new and experienced carvers every Thursday at Kamova Events, 2711 S. 23rd St., McAllen, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Any questions, call President Pam Horstman (816) 590-6521. For more information, visit their website at www.rgvwoodcarvers.org. Meetings will be held here for the month of November, location subject to change for rest of season.
Al-Anon Meetings
Not Alone AFG-Al-Anon meetings are held at the Frist Presbyterian Church, 709 S. Iowa, in Weslaco every Monday and Friday at 7 p.m. Family, friends, and observers are welcome to attend. For more information, call (314) 775-1089 or email smithbrother50@yahoo.com. If services are needed closer to you, you can visit www.texas-al-anon.org.
Model Rail Roading & Railroaders
Model Rail Roading & Railroaders have started getting together. Anyone interested in joining the group can join them Monday through Friday at the Hidalgo Pumphouse. Call Red at (313) 532-8549 for more information.
3M Retirees and Friends Welcome
3M Retirees and Friends will meet on Wednesday, January 15 at 10:30 a.m. at Victoria Palms Restaurant in Donna. Call Louise at (612) 916-9236 for information. (Every Third Wednesday)
Fayette County, Iowa
Make plans for the Fayette County, Iowa reunion set for Thursday, January 16. It will be held at Mr. Gatti’s in Weslaco at 11 a.m. Contact Carolyn Beier at (563) 920-3838 if you need more information.
Submarine Veterans
The Submarine Veterans will meet for lunch at 11 a.m. on Thursday, January 16, (every third Thursday of the month through April) at Junction Café, 115 Cage Blvd., in Pharr. For more information, call Larry at (715) 305-0401.
National Rural Letter Carriers WT Retirees Insurance
The Winter Texan Insurance Retirees Meeting is being held on Wednesday, January 22, at Victoria Palms Restaurant in Donna. The event starts with registration at 8:20 a.m. Guest speakers will be NRLCA Director of Insurance Programs Lynne Paller, Ali Sherrill from Aetna and Crystal Lawroski from GVS. You are invited to order off the menu about 8:40 a.m. and the program will follow. For more information, contact Edward Soetaert at (816) 390-6379 or email at soetaertec@gmail.com.