Recalled Productions, a local comedy troupe and comic promotions venture, will host a benefit comedy show to raise funds for the medical expenses of 8-year-old Austin Vidales from La Feria, TX.
“Austin is a boy with eyes as bright as his smile,” says his loving mom.
He enjoys fishing with his family, MOD Pizza, and Super Mario. Austin has two favorite stuffed animals, boxy and foxy, both of whom go on silly adventures documented by his mom and dad through photographs they capture on their phones.
He began to feel sick and was admitted to Regional Children’s Hospital. After extensive testing, results were inconclusive. He was then transported to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston where he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer (Pancreatic Acinar Cell Carcinoma).
“Austin has been fighting and is currently done with his 3rd round of chemotherapy, as of early July 2023. Even through all the terrible side effects that come with treatment, he still remains positive and happy,” added his mom.
“They say laughter is good for the heart and raising funds for an 8-year-old cancer patient, from La Feria, is the reason for doing this event,” said organizer, Roy Alex Gomez, from La Feria.
Three of the seven comics that will be performing are Roy Alex Gomez, Humberto Moreno and Joseph Soto. The trio just finished performing in The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, a play by Ray Bradbury that PCT recently produced.
“They were phenomenal”, added Pedro Garcia, Pharr Community Theater, Co. Artistic Director.
Others in the line-up include Tyler Boe, Jesse Lopez, Anthony Nino, and Lalo Hinojosa.
The one-time show will be held on July 29 at Pharr Community Theater, 213 W Newcombe Ave. (Park) Pharr, starting at 9:30 p.m., with seating as early as 8 p.m. Advance tickets for $8 (plus a small surcharge) can be purchased on Eventbrite or at the door for $12 upon availability. (Seating is limited to 55 persons) Donations will be accepted throughout the show and can also be made via cash app at $vidales1420
All proceeds of ticket sales go to Austin Vidales.
For more information about the show, please text or call (469) 471-5602.