It's the day after the day we have been waiting for. Such anticipation to have the family together for such a grand celebration. And then very quickly, it is all over. Of course, the house is a mess. Stockings are scattered all over the floor and gifts are stacked in the corners ready to be put away. Empty boxes filled with wrappings and ribbons need to be destroyed or carefully stored to be recycled next year.
But now, we must move on - we pick up the trash, we put away the special dishes used just at Christmas time, we make those telephone calls to loved ones and friends who could not be with us. And we move on for this year is winding down with a new year just around the corner. January 2020 is upon us and it is time to think about our New Year's resolutions.
Many resolutions are made - few are lived up to. Perhaps we should think a little more seriously about what we shall resolve to do in this coming year.
Actually, New Year' s resolutions have a very long history and started even before the birth of Christ. In Roman mythology there was a King named Janus. This King had two faces and was placed at the head of their calendar. With his two faces he could look back at the events of the old year and at the same time he could look forward to the future.
Not a bad idea - we should look back at our past, learn from our mistakes and from our accomplishments and use that knowledge as we make our resolutions for the next year.
Have you ever wondered why so many resolutions are never kept? Maybe that is so because we give so little thought to the resolutions we make. Or maybe it is because so many resolutions are actually negatives. For instance, it is easy to say, "I resolve to quit smoking" or “I resolve to lose 20 pounds." When we resolve, we promise. We promise ourselves that we will accomplish a certain thing without giving too much thought as to how our promise will be fulfilled.
The word quit sounds negative as well as the word lose. Maybe a positive resolution would be easier to fulfill. How about "I am going to wake up with a smile every morning" or I will say "thank you" and "please" or even "I will treat everyone as I myself would like to be treated and I will do this regardless of their station in life, the color of their skin, the language they speak, the education they have or how much money or lack of that they may have."
Now that is positive thinking. It is time for all of us to think positive. Instead of thinking of ourselves and what we might resolve to do to make ourselves look better or feel better, let' s broaden our resolutions to make the space or even our world around us a better place.
You want to quit smoking? Do so because it will make your family happy. And perhaps even give you more years to spend with them. You want to lose weight? Why? How? And for whom?
Often, they say we should think outside the box. How about thinking outside ourselves?
My memory goes back to a children 's song with the words "If you can't say something nice, don' t say nothing at all." Now there goes that negative again. How about "I will look for the good in everyone that I know, and I will greet even the stranger that I meet on the street with a smile and a hello.”
Have a happy, blessed, positive and prosperous New Year.