Submitted by Arleen Bier
The Tommie Brixey Memorial Tournament to benefit the American Cancer Society was held March 7, at La Floresta RV Park in Mercedes. Tommie Brixey owned and operated the La Floresta RV Park and Golf Course for 30 years. She passed away in 2021 after a long fight with cancer.
The whole park was involved in the 27th Annual American Cancer Society Golf Tournament. There were over 90 participants in the golf outing, from beginners to those with advanced skills. Each team had an honorary captain who was a cancer survivor. Other La Floresta cancer survivors were recognized at the luncheon that followed and presented with a survivor gift from the American Cancer Society. We congratulate all the survivors!
Team Gladys won the tournament with eight under, for a score of 46. The team consisted of Honorary Team Captain Gladys Millar, David Millar, Marilyn Walters, Dickie Hlady, Arleen Bier, Ron McNeill, Lorraine Trudeau, Noreen Woods, and Brian Laxton.
The event was organized by Karlene Weiland, and she said Rodger Vanderville was invaluable. She was also assisted by Darla Strait, Sissi Griffith, Carol and Stan Heintz, Vickie Cox, and Debra Tufnell; Jerry Bier and Bob Kinash grilled the hamburgers; and Tim Christopher printed the cloth signs for the honorary captains.
We all know someone who is or has been affected by cancer. The purpose of this event was to raise funds and awareness of cancer. Through golf fees and other miscellaneous donations, $2,262 was raised this year. That brings us to a total of over $54,000 raised by the La Floresta family during the past 27 years. We pray our donation will help speed up a cure.