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Published: Tuesday, 15 March 2022 23:30
At 92-years-young, Ella Mae Marrs, who has been wintering in the Valley for over 30 years, had an exciting tale to share this season with her Winter Texan friends. A painting she did in 1992 came back in her possession this past summer.
Read more: Winter Texan reunited with painting
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Published: Tuesday, 01 March 2022 22:52
It was a beautiful day last week when several Veteran residents at Alamo Rose were honored with patriotic themed quilts made by the park’s quilters.
Two years ago, the summer quilters wanted to do something special for the park’s own resident Veterans. Last year they recognized a number of World War II Veterans. This year they recognized 28 Veterans in the park.
Read more: Veterans honored at Alamo Rose
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Published: Tuesday, 01 March 2022 22:49
Submitted by Arleen Bier
It was a beautiful day for the 26th Annual American Cancer Society Golf Tournament held at La Floresta RV Park in Mercedes. There was a total of 57 golfers, from beginners to those with advanced skills, who participated in the tournament.
Read more: Cancer Society Golf Tournament Held at La Floresta
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Published: Tuesday, 01 March 2022 22:47
The Rio Grande Valley Gid-R-Done Bluegrass Band will be having their last performance of the season at Roadrunner RV Park next week. Their show will be held on Wednesday, March 9, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Read more: Winter Texan band raises money for St. Jude’s
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Published: Tuesday, 01 March 2022 16:34
The 10th Annual Shuffleboard Tournament was held at La Floresta RV Park in Mercedes. While dark clouds threatened rain, the weather cooperated, and the tournament was able to be played without delay. There were 68 participants in the double-elimination event.
Read more: Shuffleboard Tournament held at La Floresta
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Published: Tuesday, 01 March 2022 16:31
By Herb Moering
“Happy Days” were here again as more than 100 residents enjoyed the Pharr South Park fashion show and luncheon on Friday, Feb. 18.
Those attending were reminded of the TV show, “Happy Days,” with the theme decorated hall, poodle skirts, saddle shoes, background music, and photos of Richie Cunningham and family, Potsie, Chachi, Ralphie, Joanie and of course the Fonz. That show, according to Dee Hammond, who offered the welcome and suggested they pretend they were at Arnold’s Diner, spanned 11 seasons from 1974 to 1984 with a total of 255 episodes.
Read more: Happy Days at Pharr South
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Published: Tuesday, 15 February 2022 19:45
The Leisure World Quilters sixth biannual quilt show will be held February 24, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Main Hall, 400 East 18th St. in Weslaco. The quilter's raffle quilt is king size measuring 106"x106" in green, rust, and gold colors. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5 and are available from any of the Leisure World quilters or at the show. The drawing will be held at the end of the show, and you don't need to be present to win.
Read more: Leisure World holds quilt show
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Published: Tuesday, 15 February 2022 19:44
At their weekly Koffee Klatch on February 3, Palm Gardens Activities Club President, Wray Pedro, invited Victor Rivera from Loaves and Fishes and Gracie Bradwell from Valley Haven Emergency Shelter to accept a check for $645 each. “It was truly a pleasure and honor to receive it. Truly a blessing,” said Rivera of the donation. The residents recently had a pie/cake auction which brought in $1,290 for charity. They decided to split these dollars between these two organizations as both programs are valuable contributors in helping our community.
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Published: Wednesday, 09 February 2022 12:28
Claudette Merriman used the phrase “mind-boggling” to describe the event unfolding in front of her.
The public relations chairman at the Bibleville Conference Grounds in Alamo watched, like the 100 or more of those in attendance, in reverence and honor as veterans took turns carrying a U.S. flag to its retirement. They went, one by one, placed the flag onto the fire created earlier and stoked with each additional flag, saluted it and returned to retire another.
Read more: A time of reverence, remembering the sacrifice
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Published: Wednesday, 09 February 2022 12:23
Submitted by Larry Schmitt and Jan Bergman
On January 26, two hundred ten Kansans from various Parks/Resorts throughout the Rio Grande Valley met to commemorate the anniversary of the state’s 161st year admission to the Union, January 29, 1861. It was so great for we Kansans to be together again, and the old-timers enjoyed meeting the thirty-three Kansans attending for the first time…. yay!!! As before, Trophy Gardens RV Resort is a great venue for this size of crowd.
Read more: Valley-Wide Kansas Day celebration held
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Published: Tuesday, 01 February 2022 22:34
The La Floresta Park in Mercedes is filled with artists who bring with them many different talents and skills. One such artist is Harry Seurkamp, a woodcarver from Whitney, TX. Woodcarving is one of the oldest types of art.
Harry has always been into woodworking. After attending a carving show, his wife gave him a knife, a book, and a piece of wood, and signed him up for woodcarving classes. He was making box clocks at that time and thought carving would enhance them. Harry has been carving now for 30 years.
Read more: Wonderful woodcarvings created at La Floresta
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Published: Tuesday, 11 January 2022 19:26
For the second year in a row, Paradise Park RV Resort in Harlingen has made quite an effort to participate in giving back to the Harlingen CISD community. The park has been finding someone in their community to help out the last few years and the Harlingen CISD Clothing Closet has been blessed by them the last two.
A couple of years ago, Sharon Bargel, who has been heading up the charitable projects at the park, said they didn’t have a charitable project. It was then that she saw a Facebook post about a Reverse Advent calendar idea. She shared the idea with others in the park, and once the season started, it was fully embraced by park management. It was then that they felt the need to do something each year during the holiday season.
Read more: Winter Texans giving back left with full hearts
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Published: Tuesday, 11 January 2022 19:17
Weslaco residents of Ranchero Village Senior Resort Park kicked off the season of spreading holiday cheer by giving back to the local community. Due to the generous donations of the residents, Ranchero Village teams were able to deliver cash and multiple boxes of food to the RGV Food Bank while six more teams delivered gifts and food boxes to families in the community.
They also did not forget to show their gratitude for those who serve the community. The resident bakers kept their ovens hot preparing Christmas cookies and goodies for holiday treat boxes, which were delivered to the Weslaco Police Department, the Weslaco Fire/EMS Department, the Texas Army National Guard, and the U.S. Border Patrol.
Read more: Ranchero Village shows gratitude, spreads hope