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Golf highlights La Floresta Valentine's Day activities

20230301 La Floresta Golf Ginger Seurkamp webSubmitted by Arleen Bier

The wind whips across the golf course as residents of La Floresta tee off. For Valentine’s Day we played a special game of Mixed Scramble—Best Ball. With such strong winds, the ball either flies over the green or stops short, depending on the direction of the wind and the hole you are on. No Hole-In-One today but we got a few birdies.

Read more: Golf highlights La Floresta Valentine's Day activities

Palm Gardens raises money by auctioning pies

20230222 Palm Gardens Pie Table webSubmitted by: Ruth Filz

Who would have thought that selling a rhubarb pie for $55 dollars in 2015, would lead to selling an apple pie for $250 and raising $2,580 for charities in 2023!

In 2015, Phyllis Tillotson asked Vonnie Jones if she would bake a rhubarb pie to sell at Palm Gardens RV Park’s annual park auction. It was the first time a pie was sold at the auction. There was a bidding war for the pie between Phyllis and Roger Jacobs. Roger ultimately got the pie with a $55 bid. As events were planned for the following year, it was decided to add a Pie Auction to our calendar and donate the money to local charities.

Read more: Palm Gardens raises money by auctioning pies

Big Valley Quilters Club honors Veterans with quilts

20230222 Big VAlley Quilters Honor Veterans DSC 0016 webMembers of the Big Valley Quilters Club recently presented patriotic themed lap quilts to 29 Veterans of Big Valley at its annual Veterans Appreciation Program. The Veterans represented all branches of our military and span from WWII through the gulf conflicts.

Stuart Place Hole in One

20230222 QM Tour Guide Jessica Santana webLinda Saunders, a Winter Texan, got a hole-in-one on Hole #9 at Stuart Place Country Club on Monday, February 13.

Canyon Lake residents build homes with a mission

single photo webBy Carina A. Brunson

The residents of Canyon Lake have a secret, or not so secret, mission of building homes for needy families in Progreso, Mexico. This mission, Mabel’s Building Mission, was started in 1992 by a resident named Mabel Clare.

Mabel was in the Valley with her sister for rehabilitation for an injury. It was then when a hurricane struck the area and wreaked devastation on the small town of Progreso. After seeing such devastation, Mabel and her sister first started a clinic, built a school, and provided clothing and food for those in the area. Next, was to provide housing for the poor – and Mabel’s Building Mission was established.

Read more: Canyon Lake residents build homes with a mission

Auction fans enjoy lively event at La Floresta

20230215 La Floresta Auction IMG 1712 webSubmitted by Arleen Bier

Each year, an auction is held at La Floresta Park in Mercedes. Some parks have Park Sales to get rid of unwanted stuff—we have an auction. Throughout the year, residents collect items to donate to the auction. We have really good stuff. The sale includes furniture, electrical appliances, printers, decorative pieces, dishes, golf clubs, golf balls, and more. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

Read more: Auction fans enjoy lively event at La Floresta

Spaghetti dinner tradition continues

20230208 La Floresta RodgerVanderville Morris Haverland Darla Strait Spaghetti Dinner 1 webAfter 10 years of serving a Spaghetti Dinner to the residents of La Floresta Park in Mercedes, Jean and Rodger Vanderville (Manistique, MI), decided to call it quits. Through the years, they have served from 75-115 dinners each time, with the help of a crew of seven. Good food. Fun. Laughter.

Jean and Rodger also are involved in a variety of events in the park and will focus their time and attention on golf and other activities. Meanwhile, Darla Strait (Sanborn, IA), Debbie Tufnell (Manistique, MI), and Bonnie Kadell (Jerseyville, IL) have offered to take over the Spaghetti Dinner next year.

We have some of the kindest people you will ever meet in our small park in Mercedes.

Tribute dedicated to Birger Olson – RGV Bass Player extraordinaire

20230208 Birger Olson TOzark 5194 1 webResidents at McAllen Mobile Park, a senior community, honored one of its residents, Birger Olson, on February 2nd, by paying tribute to his lifelong passion and dedication of entertaining others with his bass guitar music. The tribute was presented in the form of a book of resident signatures and memories from those who attended a dance featuring the Blue Wolf Band. That evening, Birger played bass alongside Steven Kelley (drums), Shirley Mauch-Spanhanks (guitar/vocals) and Jerry Spanhanks (guitar/pedal steel guitar/fiddle/mandolin/banjo/vocals).

Read more: Tribute dedicated to Birger Olson – RGV Bass Player extraordinaire


20230201 Alamo Rec Expo Marquez Dennis Zanetti webAn expo born out of frustration

Born of new Winter Texan’s frustration, Alamo Rec-Veh Park in Alamo, Texas, will again host a unique Winter Texan Business & Health Expo on Saturday, February 4 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“Because we’re here for so few winter months, most Winter Texans face the same dilemma Dennis and I did several years ago,” Expo organizer Barb Zanetti said.

“Our problem? How do we replace the quality support system we’ve developed over the years in Michigan? … The doctors, contractors, repairmen, restaurants, dentists, surgeons, income tax providers, butchers, and dog groomers, as well as places that offer travel, entertainment, flowers, and gift ideas?”


Paradise Park in Harlingen has spirit of giving

20230201 Paradise Park 0 webSubmitted by Sharon Bargel

For the third year, Paradise Park RV Resort in Harlingen has been overwhelmingly generous in giving to the Harlingen CISD’s Clothing Closet, operated as part of the Family and Community Engagement (FACE) program to assist school district families in need.

In winter 2020 the Clothing Closet was selected to be the beneficiary of the park’s spirit of giving holiday project when resident Sharon Bargel heard about the Clothing Closet and their need for warm coats and cold weather clothing on a local news station. That year, despite COVID restraints and fewer Winter Texans, they delivered 578 items of new clothing and new shoes to the Closet.

Read more: Paradise Park in Harlingen has spirit of giving

Kansans enjoy Kansas Day Celebration

2023 PRIORITY Kansas Day Larry Schmitt 02 PRIORITY webSubmitted by Larry Schmitt

On January 25, one-hundred-eighty-four (184) Kansans from all over the Rio Grande Valley met to commemorate the anniversary of the state’s January 29, 1861, admission to the Union. Considering we met at a new venue and had a few other challenges, the organizers are very happy with this total attendance. What was super special is that thirty-eight (38) Kansans joined us for their first time. YAY!!

Read more: Kansans enjoy Kansas Day Celebration

Quilt Show fundraises for local organizations

20230118 Mercedes Matrix Quilt Show webSave the date for the Llano Grande Quilting Bee’s Annual Quilt Show, Mercedes Mineral Matrix, to be held Tuesday, January 31st from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Llano Event Center, 2215 East West Blvd (off Mile 2 West) in Mercedes.

The Bee is selling raffle tickets for their Opportunity Quilt that is a 102” x 102” Matrix of creams, browns, and blues with wool batting. Proceeds from the quilt show help to fund community service projects such as military service quilts to local veterans, baby quilts for Child Protective Services, and lap quilts that are distributed to local hospitals and medical facilities. Tickets will be available for purchase at the quilt show and you do not need to be present to win.

Read more: Quilt Show fundraises for local organizations

RGV Concert Band celebrates 25 years of music

20230104 RGV Concert Band webBy Herb Moering

After the December 11 holiday event that drew a full house of Winter Texans, the Rio Grande Valley Concert Band has put away its sounds of Christmas and is preparing for the 2023 winter schedule. Since February 15, 1998, the RGV Concert Band has been playing the old time “concert in the park” music from January through March at the 55+ Parks throughout the Valley.

Read more: RGV Concert Band celebrates 25 years of music

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