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November 30, 2022 - On the Road with Jo - Enjoy the Holidays

How was your turkey? Believe it or not, I cooked two turkeys on two different occasions. It had been a long time since I cooked a turkey so for me, it was almost like I was a new cook in the kitchen. That first turkey – a huge twenty-four-pound monster received rave reviews. Some of the diners called it an ostrich because it was so large. I was holding my breath and just sure it would be a disaster.

First of all, my refrigerator keeps things too cold, so the monster turkey was not completely thawed. Did you know, you can cook a turkey even when not completely thawed? That was a new experience for this cook. See, we are never too old to learn.

Since this cook was a little flustered and anxious about the results, I made just a few mistakes – at least they seemed like mistakes at the time. Actually, the mistakes seemed to turn out to be the right way to cook a turkey.

Read more: November 30, 2022 - On the Road with Jo - Enjoy the Holidays

November 23, 2022 - On the Road with Jo

Be thankful and generous

20221123 EstudiantinaWhat a lot of changes have occurred in our lives. For instance, how about computers! Do you remember when computers were first introduced to us? A computer for a business was so big that just the computer alone needed a whole room. Now your cell phone can act as a computer. In fact, we did not have cell phones when computers were introduced. Telegraphs were used to send messages. Well, lots of things have changed. One of the changes that has occurred recently is the introduction of electric cars. Or how about a tour to Mars?

One of the things that has not changed since its beginning is our observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. This special day is unique to the United States. And we have so much to be thankful for: a beautiful world, the birds, flowers, friends and family. Tomorrow we should all take time to be thankful for the life that has been given to us to enjoy the talent, the love and the beauty that surrounds us.

Read more: November 23, 2022 - On the Road with Jo

Welcome, thank you, and finding ways to share

By Jo Liston20221116 Blankets for Veterans Judi Jansen and Kathy Hanson web

Welcome home. It is that time of year when our friends from the North are coming South! We missed you during the summer. We are glad that you have chosen the Rio Grande Valley for your Winter Home. We appreciate all that you do to help us. Anyone from outside the Valley who comes to visit even for a day helps us economically and many of you stay much longer than a day.

Read more: Welcome, thank you, and finding ways to share

The migration and plight of the Monarch

20221026 National Butterfly Center JMB 0156 webIf you have been doing any car travel recently, you are no doubt experiencing a different kind of roadkill. You have probably noticed on your car's grill work the remains of the orange-colored wings and bodies of the Monarch Butterfly. Those remains really make a mess on the front or our cars. How sad it is that so many of these beautiful migrating butterflies will never reach their wintering sanctuary in the state of Michoacan, Mexico.

Read more: The migration and plight of the Monarch

Let’s head on out to King Ranch

20221019 King Ranch Breakfast webIt’s time. Yes, it’s time to venture out and get acquainted with all that our Magic Valley has to offer. Fall weather is generally perfect for exploring. So, let’s hook ‘em up and head ‘em out to the King Ranch Hand Breakfast. The breakfast itself is composed of mouth-watering scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, biscuits and gravy. The cooks? Who else but the King Ranch cowboys!

Read more: Let’s head on out to King Ranch

Let's Play Golf

20220319 Stuart Place Golf Course ALB 0041Our local golf courses have been attracting a lot of attention. It seems that most every golf course has made some improvement - more holes, water fountains or a re-sodding of the greens.

Some of us may not be golfers, but it must be a great game. Golfing is a fun way to exercise and a fun way to enjoy your friends and the outdoors. Now that we are having beautiful, sunshiny days, it is time to enjoy the wonderful South Texas weather.

Read more: Let's Play Golf

Take in the historic sites of the Valley

20220316 JO Mission La Lomita CAB 4667There is a whole lot to see and do in South Texas. Those of you who want to know all about this area just need to go exploring and you can become a walking historian. History can be fun, entertaining, and educational. Why not set yourself a goal to visit every attraction in this area. This should keep you entertained for the whole year. Or maybe even more.

Read more: Take in the historic sites of the Valley

Time Marches On

Starship SN9 High Altitude Flight Test 2Time marches on. If you were exposed to covid and quarantined, you may feel that time dragged on. It doesn’t have to drag on - now is the time to do all those things you have been planning to do but just never had time. Well, now you have time so let's get on with it.

You can take control and believe me - time will fly if you take time to complete all those projects. The very day that my daughter and I learned that we had been exposed, we were out in my car exploring. It had been a year since I had been down past Space X and to Boca Chica Beach. So off we went.

Read more: Time Marches On

Welcome to Texas

SAn Antonio Mission Mission San Jose WEBWelcome home. By now most of our Winter Residents have arrived and we are so glad to have you back in the big, wonderful state of Texas and the sunny Rio Grande Valley. If you drove down, then I am sure you were once again impressed by how big - and varied - Texas is. If you flew in - especially if you came from Canada - you were probably just a little shocked when you stepped off the plane. What a big difference it is between European Quebec and the tranquil palm lined roads of the Rio Grande Valley. It is quite a shock. From East to West and North to South, all these different areas have their own personalities. Yep, Texas is a Whole Other Country.

Read more: Welcome to Texas

December 29, 2021 - On The Road with Jo

20211229 on the road YrytsnCuoJg unsplash webIn just a few days, 2021 will come to an end and a new year begins. It is time to look forward to 2022, a New Year. It is time to make those New Year’s resolutions.

This past year was a difficult year for many. Covid 19 attacked with a fury. Many lost family members or they lost jobs and much needed income. Now we have two Covid variants to consider as we make plans for the future.

Read more: December 29, 2021 - On The Road with Jo

Time to Care and Share

rgv foodbank logo webNow is a time to care and to share our time and our talents. Last month my interest was really aroused when I was lucky enough to participate in a trade show where a representative from our Rio Grande Valley Food Bank had a booth directly across from mine. I had often wondered exactly how our RGV Food Bank operates and here was my chance to learn more. Have my eyes been opened? I learned a lot. Now it is time to share some of that information. There is not room to share all that I learned so I will just hit the high points.

Read more: Time to Care and Share

Hidalgo celebrates Christmas

20191206 Hidalgo Festival of Lights ALB 0871 webThe little town of Hidalgo takes center stage every December celebrating in a big way with the Hidalgo Festival of Lights. Festivities began on December 1 with the lighting of the Christmas tree in front of the Arena Box Office. The celebration continues through January 2nd but will be closed on December 24th, December 31st and January 1st.

Read more: Hidalgo celebrates Christmas

Christmas is coming

20141125 Brownsville Holiday Village KO 6472 webYes, Christmas is coming and there is so much to see and do. If you take part in only a few of the festivities, there is no doubt you will be in a Holiday Mood. Just imagine - beginning on December 3 - this Friday - you can choose almost any town in the Rio Grande Valley and see a grand Christmas Parade. The biggest and most impressive of all the parades might easily be the one in McAllen at the football stadium where giant helium filled characters adorn the floats. This parade is on Saturday, December 4 and begins at 7 p.m. There is an entry fee for this event. Tickets can be purchased at the McAllen CVB and will run anywhere from $10 to $25 depending on where you want to sit in the stadium. Check your local museums regarding the possibility of a Christmas Tree Forest display where locals have decorated trees with special Christmas themes. Some museums will ask for a donation, others will have a small entry fee.

Read more: Christmas is coming

Celebration and Thanksgiving

jed owen NPBnWE1o07I unsplash webHappy Thanksgiving. And we have so much to be thankful for. We live in a beautiful, wonderful world alive with trees and flowers and friends. Blue skies and warm sunshine. Most of us have plenty of food, a warm bed, and a sheltered home waiting for us at the end of each day. But not everyone is so blessed. Some families are without jobs and have too many mouths to feed. Or maybe they are handicapped or a single parent with just more than too much responsibility. Let us all give thanks for what we do have. Truly the months of November and December are months of celebration and thanksgiving.

Read more: Celebration and Thanksgiving
