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December 21, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

Well, it looks like we are in for a cold Christmas. Doesn’t look like a white one, but it will be a bit chilly out there. It looks like most of the outdoor Christmas celebrations are done and parks and cities chose the right weekends to have parades and other activities before this run of cold weather. There are several cities that still have their Christmas events happening – McAllen, Brownsville, and Hidalgo – throughout the end of the month. Be sure to check them out if you have time.

I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! I hope you have a blessed time with family and/or friends.

Read more: December 21, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

December 14, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

It is so much fun seeing what all of you are doing for your communities this holiday season. We have received information from several parks about what their residents are doing and hope we can share some of it with you.

If you have something you are doing in your park, collecting food, jackets, toys, books, whatever it is, we would love to see it and share it with our readers. Seeing what you are doing for others makes my heart happy and I am sure it gives new ideas to others.

Read more: December 14, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

December 7, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

20221207 Leslie Blasing IMG 8585I can’t believe it is already December. Time is flying by. Good thing is it keeps us busy here at the Winter Texan Times. Wintertainers™ are arriving and in full force. Now we get to have some fun and visit parks to enjoy them and spend time with y’all.

This past week I was able to go out to Golf View Estates and listen to Leslie Blasing. There is no doubt why she has won Female Entertainer of the Year and a Heritage Award from the Valley Star Awards. She has an amazing voice and can entertain the whole room.

Read more: December 7, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

November 30, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

20221125 225854I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday.

Ours was low key, but still quite satisfying. The only hiccup we had was that the turkey didn’t take as long to cook as we thought it would. The sides weren’t done yet when it was finished.

I was able to host my father this year – our first Thanksgiving without my mom. So, it was a little different, but we were able to share some of our family traditions with him – like tamales the day after Thanksgiving while we set up the tree and snow village.

Read more: November 30, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

November 16, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

Such nice weather this past week – and it’s continuing. We have been able to enjoy some cool weather with some rain here and there, and a day of warmth in between. It’s finally feeling like a South Texas Winter, and right in time for the holidays.

We have been enjoying getting out visiting with some of the activity directors and with our advertisers. Food speaks to a lot of us, and our advertisers have some great food. The management at our Taste of the Valley advertisers really appreciates your patronage. We have not been disappointed yet with the service and food from the places we have had a chance to visit so far.

Read more: November 16, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

November 2, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

The weather has been really nice lately. It has been good to get outside and enjoy the cool breeze. With these mini cold fronts, we have been able to enjoy some nice temps, although not always long lasting, it brings hope for the fall temps that should be here soon.

This time of year is a great time to get out and explore. It’s not too hot, and it isn’t too cold yet either. Of course, it’s rarely too cold to be outside in South Texas. I know that is why you love visiting our area while it is snowing in your other home.

The Valley is full of places to visit, sites to see, and things to do. Make sure you look through our calendars to find something interesting.

Concerts and other events are taking off right now. And because the holidays are right around the corner, there are several holiday themed events coming up, too. If you have the opportunity, go out to the events and support your local arts, chambers, and other organizations that put these events together.

There are many outdoor and indoor activities that will be happening from now through the New Year. We will have many of these in our events calendar and we will highlight some of the events in our news.

Indoor activities include museum exhibits, concerts, and some festivals. Outdoor events are always happening at the nature centers and World Birding Center parks. Some of these parks even feature nature series talks inside and tours outside.

Be sure to find out what is going on in your local community. While your park has a lot of options to keep you entertained, there is a community outside of that eager to see you as well.

As always, if you have any news items, interesting people in your park, an organization that needs some recognition, fundraisers happening, please feel free to email us at news@wintertexantimes.com.

March 30, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

20220330 Thanks Casa del Valle IMG 7384This season has been a blast!

Despite a knee injury at the beginning of the season, I was able to get out there a bit and enjoy some time with you. It took me a while, and I know we missed a lot at the beginning of the season, but we still had some fun once the season really started picking up in January.

Read more: March 30, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

March 23, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

This season has been a fun one filled with activities, entertainment, and just a whole lot of fun. We have one more issue after this one and I wanted to spend some time giving some reminders in this issue for our readers and our advertisers.

If you did not get one of our Take Home issues from last week, we have plenty left at the office. Last week’s issue is one that we invite you to take back home with you. It is filled with stories about why you should visit the Rio Grande Valley and what the Valley has to offer our visitors. It’s a great introduction for those that don’t know much about the great Magic of the Valley. So, swing by the office and get a handful or more copies if you want to take some home and share with your friends.

Read more: March 23, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

March 2, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

WOW! It has been crazy the last two weeks. I have enjoyed the busy-ness – getting out there and doing – but it also means that I sometimes fall behind in other things.

I didn’t get to write a Ramblings last week because we had so much news to get to you. So, I hope I can cover a few things this time that I wish I had the opportunity to share last week.

Read more: March 2, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

January 19, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

It’s getting busy in the Valley. Things are picking up here and there with activities being held throughout the valley – just for you. I know everyone is still being really careful with things, but I also know that everyone is ready to get out and enjoy this great weather and being with friends when we can.

There is so much to do in the Valley that doesn’t involve being in close proximity to people to, so keep that in mind as well. Look at our issues from last year and see the many things we highlighted in the bigger cities in the Valley. I hope to highlight some of our smaller cities as well in some future publications.

The Valley is full of parks, birding centers, trails, museums, and so much more that we can take advantage of. It's just fun to get out every once in a while, to see the sights, or to visit somewhere you haven’t really noticed before.

Speaking of events though – the activity directors just had their first entertainers showcase event and the next one will be held this week. This is an opportunity for activity directors and park managers to hear some entertainment options and try to book them for their park. They get to listen to an entertainer for a few minutes that showcases their hits, or favorites.

It’s so much fun listening to these groups all in one place – getting a taste of a hopeful show in the future. We have some great entertainment that comes to the Valley to entertain and do shows for you. These entertainers really have some talent and enjoy what they do.


Also thinking of events… we have been trying to get out a bit more as things are happening, but it’s so hard to get to everything. We would love to attend everything if we could, but it gets a little hectic with in office duties and getting to events.

So, please send us your photos and give us some information on what you are doing at your park. We love seeing what you are doing in your community. We love hearing about your trips, tours, meals, and other events y’all enjoy at your parks and around town.

We share what we can in our paper and online. Send photos, write ups, contact information, and story ideas to news@wintertexantimes.com.

January 12, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

This cooler weather has been quite welcoming. It has made it feel like winter finally. It hasn’t been too cold, or too nasty wet outside with it either. I think it has been exactly what I have needed to feel like it is the correct season. After it just being a little too warm for Christmas, I was ready for that cooler weather to bring some of the holiday spirit with it.

My thing is, I don’t want it to get much cooler than it is. The 50- and 60-degree temperatures are just right for me. Any lower and I just want to stay inside for the most part.

Read more: January 12, 2022 - Rina's Ramblings

December 29, 2021 - Rina's Ramblings

I can not believe the year is coming to an end. It has gone by so very fast in some cases. Other things seem to have dragged on. As we look forward to the New Year, we often think of things we can improve.

There are several traditions that many across the globe have – like making New Year’s resolutions. Others include decorating a New Year’s Tree, dressing up nice, tossing tinsel, embracing your heritage, eating New Year’s food, praying, toasting, making noise, giving a gift, the countdown to a midnight kiss, singing “Auld Lang Syne,” and sending thank you notes.

Read more: December 29, 2021 - Rina's Ramblings

December 22, 2021 - Rina's Ramblings

It has been a blessing and pleasure to see what the Winter Texan community does for the communities they live in. Each year, especially during the holiday, the communities you live in are blessed with your charity. It always amazes me at how you come together to serve one purpose and bring so many happy faces to the families that live around you.

In this issue we have Tripp Wright and his group of elves that have worked this year to bring joy to children in their community. He, and his elves, have great hope that this first event grows to something bigger each year. I look forward to seeing what it becomes.

I love seeing how you love your community, no matter how long, or how little, you visit with us each year. It is a wonderful thing to see the hope, joy, laughter, and love that comes from the giving you do.

Read more: December 22, 2021 - Rina's Ramblings
